Sunday, March 29, 2020

D Block Chemistry is the Right Choice For You

D Block Chemistry is the Right Choice For YouThe benefit of a block chemistry is the ability to absorb a large amount of nutrients from the soil. It should be noted that just because the tag says it is a 'nutrient absorption enhancer' it does not mean that it is always a nutrient absorbent, but when it performs as one, the benefits are substantial.Because of the high wicking properties that d-block chemistry has, it is able to assist in the proper absorption of essential nutrients. By helping to improve the efficiency of soil respiration, the chemicals will help to improve the bio-mass of the soil, which is vital for proper growth. The results will be a higher quality and more stable crop, not to mention, a higher yield.It is known that plant health is based on the physical and chemical make up of the soil. To get plants to grow at their optimal levels, the soil must contain the right nutrients. By giving them an environment in which they can thrive, the plant will grow more evenly a nd even out the soil.Plants take up nutrients from the soil in the form of the soil's respiration. This means that it must be able to break down the carbonate minerals and carbonate material in the soil into its compounds. In order to achieve this, the soil has to be rich in humic substances such as clay, silica, and organic matter. Through the use of these components, the soils will hold in the nutrients that the plants need to survive.When nutrients are in the soil, the plants will be able to take up the carbon dioxide as well as the other essential minerals, making it the perfect environment for the growth of the plant. As a result, the plant will be able to gain the needed nutrients it needs for growth and vitality. With this setup, the plants will have enough of the necessary nutrients to last through the year, instead of the depleted soil left behind by a bare soil, and so will help the soil to retain the minerals and carbonate materials.In addition to the carbonate minerals t hat the plants need to survive, they also need micronutrients, as well as nitrogen and trace elements. The chemical reaction between the nutrients and the soil is what helps to make this a simple process. In addition to helping to provide the plants with a healthy living environment, it will also help to reduce their reliance on outside sources for nutrients.Over the years, people have become accustomed to obtaining the necessary vitamins and minerals through food and natural food products. By using a supplement, the consumers can get the same effect as the food, without actually eating it. By using a formula such as a block chemistry, they will be able to add that extra bit of nutrition to their diet and increase their performance in many different ways.If you want to improve the health of your plants and increase the yield of your crops, d-block chemistry is the right product for you. It is often recommended for both indoor and outdoor plant gardens. The best part about it is that it allows the plants to get all the needed nutrients from the soil without adding any unnatural chemicals.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Thanksgiving and Politics at the Table

Thanksgiving and Politics at the Table Photo Via: 1. Avoid Getting Heated One of the biggest mistakes that individuals make when at the Thanksgiving dinner table and discussing politics is to get a little too heated in the midst of the arguments. Avoid this issue at all costs! Getting heated typically leads to arguments that you can’t take back, and it’s going to make the day more awkward than it is fun. For this reason, simply avoid getting heated and, if you feel that you’re too passionate about an issue, stay quiet and think about something else. 2. Steer the Conversation Elsewhere You’ll likely end up having to steer the conversation elsewhere several times throughout the day. In some instances, you may not be involved, but you will notice that the family members that are feel far too passionately and they aren’t going to agree. When this happens, make sure you steer the conversation elsewhere, avoiding issues where you can. Throw out some fun anecdotes from your time at school, or perhaps even distract them with other, lighter news. Whatever you can do to stop the argument and steer the conversation somewhere else will definitely be in your best interest. 3. Stick to the Facts Another error that individuals make when sitting at the Thanksgiving table and discussing politics is that they won’t stick to the facts. When you’re discussing politics, it’s important that you are informed and speaking without getting to an emotional level. Only interject when you feel that you can keep a level head, and when you’re sure that you can stick to the facts. If you know that you’re too passionate about a topic, or that you aren’t informed enough to comment, make sure you don’t contribute to that conversation. Again, it sounds like common sense, but in the heat of the moment, it’s easy to throw out unfounded information. 4. Know Your Audience There are some arguments that just aren’t worth having, and more often than not, politics at the family dinner table is one of those times that you’ll want to avoid an argument. If you know that your family members are on one side of the political spectrum and you are on the complete opposite, it’s not worth attempting to have a conversation. If you think about it, it’s so important to know your audience, as there are some individuals that you will never be able to win over, and others that are more open to your side of an argument. If you know a family member isn’t that type of person, don’t push the conversation! 5. Keep Things Light A little levity can go a long way during some heated, political debates. For this reason, throw out some jokes (when appropriately timed) or some more light-hearted conversation starters to move the conversation to something a little more fun. Thanksgiving doesn’t have to end in a fight every year, and by keeping things light, you’re far more likely to walk away with your familial relationships still intact. 6. Walk Away Last, but definitely not least, there is always the option to simply walk away from the conversation. Sometimes, politics can be a bit too much, and if you’re not in agreement with any of the items being discussed at the table, you’re always welcome to remove yourself from the situation. Excuse yourself to walk to the bathroom or to grab another drink from the kitchen. Just taking a few minutes away from the table to compose yourself will certainly help you to keep your head this Thanksgiving. Just remember that not all conversations (especially when they involve politics) will be your cup of tea, so give yourself an out when you need it! Again, Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a battleground between you and your family members. Rather than falling victim to the faux pas of discussing politics at the dinner table, make sure you are prepared to avoid arguments, by any means necessary. The above six steps are a great starting point, but, when in doubt, just walk away and ensure you have a Happy Thanksgiving. That way, you’ll be able to sit back, relax and enjoy that Thanksgiving turkey that you’ve waiting for since last November. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And good luck avoiding the politics!

Practical Tips for Your First Physics Class - Part 1

Practical Tips for Your First Physics Class - Part 1 Tips from a Private Irvine Physics Tutor: Practical Tips For Your First Physics Class Tips from a Private Irvine Physics Tutor: Practical Tips For Your First Physics Class The internet is full of tips and tactics from bloggers, tutors, and teachers about how to excel in physics. Unfortunately, the predominant advice is the ever-prevalent generic comments that students have been hearing about every class in every subject for years: “go to class,” “do your homework,” “do extra practice problems,” “take good notes,” etc. If you’re lucky, your basic physics tips might also include some points about being good at math and trying to understand the concepts instead of just memorizing book your private Irvine physics tutor. You already know these things. These tips are continuously repeated and are not helping you better prepare for or succeed at physics. Here, we will cover six specific and practical tips that can help you get through your first physics class, whether it’s high school, AP, or college. 1. Be an expert at formula manipulation Formula manipulation is typically an algebra 2 concept where you have an equation with multiple variables that you can alter to solve for specific variables or plug-in specific values. For example, the volume of a pyramid is V = 1/3 A H where A is the area of the base and H is the height of the pyramid. However, we can manipulate this equation to instead give us height instead of volume by dividing both sides by A and multiplying by 3: H = 3 V A This skill is essential in physics where you constantly move variables from one side of an equation to another and substitute numbers and variable for other variables. In our pyramid example, we might have to substitute in an area equation to find the height: A = L W where L is length and W is width. This could give us the new height equation: H â€" 3 V L W If this example did not seem very easy to you, you need to go back and practice a lot of these types of problems. Take equations with many variables and practice isolating each individual variable one at a time. 2. Be an expert at basic trigonometry Your physics class likely won’t require you to know all of the identities and properties of trig functions that you may have learned/are learning in your precalc or trigonometry class, but you do need to be very good at your simple sine, cosine, and tangent definitions with right triangles, as well as the Pythagorean theorem. Don’t forget your SOH-CAH-TOA, make sure you can do a2+b2=c2 in your sleep, and practice finding missing angles and sides of right triangles even when they’re upside down or inside out. Basic trig is vital for early vector problems. It is also common to break diagonal lines into their x and y “components.” Don’t fall for it if someone tells you to “just use sine” “or just take the cosine” when you’re doing these problems. Draw the triangle and figure out why you’re using that trig function. It will save you when the problems get harder later. 3. Know your units 90% or more of your physics work will revolve around only three basic units: the kilogram (kg) for mass, the meter (m) for length/distance, and the second (s) for time. You can break up almost everything you do into just these three simple components. The unit for speed is m/s. Think miles per hour translated to meters per second instead. Being an expert with your units can help your understanding of the equations and help you check your answers. For example, a basic physics equation is the definition of force: F = M A where M is the mass of an object and A is its acceleration. The unit for mass is the kilogram, and acceleration is meters per second squared. Multiplying these we get kg*m/s2. In class, they will call the unit of force a Newton, but we now know that a Newton is just a kg*m/s2. When you hear new units like the Hertz, the Joule, or the Pascal, remember that you can break them up into these basic parts. This can help a lot with topics like conservation of energy. (Note that the units for temperature, Kelvin (K); current, ampere (A); and amount, mole (mol) are also fundamental units that are used to a much smaller extent in physics 101). The first three tips can help you prepare for physics and understand what’s going on. You will be very confused if you don’t know your triangles and basic trigonometry. You’ll also be very behind if you can’t quickly modify equations and substitute variables. Finally, understanding the units and their basic components can set you up to actually understand some of what you’re doing when you do examples. Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Discovering Anal Chemistry

Discovering Anal ChemistryMany men just don't realize that anal chemistry is a good thing. It's natural, it's comfortable, and it helps you feel better about yourself in general. But, don't let it go undiscovered by those men who just want a quick fix.You might think anal chemistry is just the same as vaginal chemistry. It's not. Anal chemistry goes much deeper than just being wet. It's actually an important part of sexual attraction.Men need to feel attraction towards a woman for their bodies to be in sync. The way women do this is by having to do things that are uncomfortable or that they don't necessarily want to do. This can include eating things that they don't really want to or relaxing too much. The more aroused a man gets, the more likely he is to have these things happen.Anal chemistry helps guys feel comfortable with doing these things, and it can even make them want to do them. It also makes them want to reach an orgasm. But, this doesn't happen every time, so how do you k now when to stop? Sometimes you just can't resist, and you find yourself going down on your woman.Too much is too hard for some men. This can cause them to ejaculate before they even reach orgasm. If you find yourself doing this, try doing it one time only. Then, go on to the next time you have sex with her.Anal chemistry is very real, and it can mean the difference between a happy and healthy relationship and one where you're miserable. If you want to learn more about this important factor, you should start educating yourself.Find out what it feels like to take on a role in a man's feelings. You'll be surprised at how good it feels!

A Few Free Math Tutoring Websites for Free

A Few Free Math Tutoring Websites for FreeMath tutoring websites for free are very widespread and very interesting. The reason is that people do not have the time to learn new concepts on their own. They always need someone else to tutor them in math. This is why there are many tutoring services online.Tutoring for learning math and science can take place from the comfort of your home. These tutors can be the family members, the neighbors or friends. Many would find it quite boring to listen to these tutors at home and would rather go to a school that teaches these subjects. For others who cannot come to a school, there are free tutoring websites. These websites offer free tutoring services online.Many websites have the knowledge of teaching students about computers. They can provide tips on how to use such software. If the student wishes to learn about studying, they can get this information from these sites. The good thing about these sites is that the tutor has a huge variety of t opics to cover. This can be related to different subjects such as biology, physics and chemistry. The sites also have links that will point to specific websites for this specific subject.Many free websites offer tutoring help for numbers. They have help for choosing numbers such as, adding up and dividing, performing arithmetical operations, etc. This information can be useful in those areas where math is needed. However, there are websites that focus more on specific mathematical problems.On the other hand, there are other free math tutoring websites for kids. This includes helping children choose between two options, help kids make a correct equation, help kids select a number between two given options, help kids choose a number which they like the most, etc. There are lots of features that are being offered by these sites.Websites have lots of forums. These forums give an opportunity for students to share their ideas and problems. This is a wonderful way to interact with others a nd to get advice from them. Some of these forums also give advice to help the student to decide which subject to take.It is important to check the websites of these websites and make sure that they provide you the right kind of information. In addition, check whether the website provides you with tutorials. The tutorials should give you practical knowledge and a review of each lesson. It should also provide with working examples that you can follow easily. With the help of these free math tutoring websites for free, students can become better mathematicians.

Career Coaching in Leeds

Career Coaching in Leeds How Do You Find a Career Coach in Leeds? ChaptersWho Is Career Coaching For?When Should You Get Career Coaching in Leeds?Career Coaching Agencies in LeedsWhy Get Career Coaching in Leeds?“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert EinsteinA lot of employees regular think about quitting their jobs or finding a new career. Everyone has different dreams and aspirations and this could include changing where they work. However, it’s often harder than it sounds.If you need help with this, why not get help from a career coach?Whether you need help leading a project, making decisions, finding work, planning for retirement, image consulting, etc., you can find a career coach that specialises in exactly that.Whether it’s through self-confidence, stress management, supervising, personal development, leadership, academic orientation, personal coaching, managing relationships, rational supervision, or systemic approaches, a career coach can use a variety of different approaches. No matter what yo ur profession is, here’s how you can get help from them and the career services they offer.In this article, we're going to have a look at who can benefit from career coaching, at which point in your career you should consider it, how career coaching agencies can help, and how you can benefit from private career coaching.You can get reputable personal development training here.You can get career coaching in a lot of different places. (Source: 12019)Whatever the situation, getting in touch with a career coach is a good idea. It could give your career a boost or motivate you once your motivation starts to dwindle.You can also call a career coach to help you learn some new skills. This can help you to grow as an employee and get promoted.Career coaching can be used to help you get organised, learn to speak in public, prepare an application, etc. The sessions will help you set and achieve various career goals.You need to start by choosing the right coach or you may even think about bec oming a coach yourself.Whether it’s breathing exercises for managing stress, public speaking, conducting meetings, retraining, personality tests, building self-confidence, supervising projects, personal development, or leadership, take your time and work towards your career goals.There’s also career coaching in Glasgow!

How Teachers Can Support And Evaluate Other Teachers

How Teachers Can Support And Evaluate Other Teachers Youre a teacher. Your performance is evaluated by teachers, judged and rated by teachers. Your mentor is a teacher, and your boss is a teacher. Imagine that. Would you love it or hate it? What if youre a student or parent how do you feel then? The Montgomery County Public Schools system in Rockville, Maryland has a unique process of teachers evaluating other teachers, according to an article in the New York Times. Stronger teachers provide support to weaker ones, and teachers there also have the power to fire weaker teachers if they do not improve. The program, Peer Assistance and Review (PAR), allows more senior teachers to mentor new teachers and struggling veteran teachers. If the mentoring and assistance does not work, then the PAR panel of eight teachers and eight principals can vote to fire the struggling teacher(s). The PAR program also has the power to question tenured teachers. This program began 11 years ago, and it has voted to fire 200 teachers; 300 more have resigned after the comments in a PAR hearing, said Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of the Montgomery County Public School system. Weast also said that only five teachers were fired before the PAR program was implemented 11 years ago. The school system said that trust is pivotal when implementing the PAR program. All teachers must buy into the program, believing that they wont be fired to be made an example out of or because of their salary. Teachers must believe that the PAR panel will always act in the best interest of the school and its students for it to be successful. It took three to five years to build the trust to get PAR in place, Weast told the New York Times. Teachers had to see we werent playing gotcha. The Montgomery County Public School system is one of the growing number of schools to implement the PAR and other similar programs. Many other schools are beginning to extend teachers control and authority beyond the classroom to administrative decisions of hiring/firing and actually shaping course curriculum. Many believe that teachers know whats best for schools and students more so than anyone else involved in education because they are right there on the front lines of it. They believe veteran, proven teachers are better judges of good and bad teaching. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, told Weast that he supported his schools actions, saying, Youre going where the country needs to go, according to Weast and the New York Times. Unfortunately, for Weast and the Montgomery County Public School system, the PAR program will have to go. The Obama administrations Race to the Top program is trying to improve the quality of teachers just as the PAR program. Yet, the Montgomery County Public School system does not submit its students test scores to the federal government, thus making it ineligible for the $12 million Race to the Top funding.

The Life Cycle of a Star.

The Life Cycle of a Star. From a Dust Cloud to a Black Hole, Here’s What You Need to Know about a Star’s Life Cycle. ChaptersWhat is a Star?How is a Star Formed?What are the Stages in the Life of a Star?What Happens Next? It Depends on the Size of the Star.Look up into the sky. That thing shining there â€" or ‘burning ferociously’ as might be a better description â€" has been doing its thing for four and a half billion years. Throughout the course of human history, it’s been there the whole time, burning away and giving life to our planet.4.6 billion years. That’s a number that we can hardly even imagine. Yet, scientists reckon that our Sun is about halfway through its lifecycle.Give it another four billion years and it will, like all stars do, ultimately ‘die’ â€" changing from a main sequence star into a supernova or into what is known as a planetary nebula. We ain’t gonna be alive to see any of this happen â€" and, by we, we mean planet earth.Here, we’re going to be talking about the life of a star. We’re going to be talking about the forces that bring it together and that forc e it ultimately apart. And we’re going to be talking about the things that help it keep its shape and size for the unimaginably long time that occurs in between.We’ll be talking about those things with which you’ve probably heard in passing: the red giant, neutron stars, black holes â€" and white dwarfs and supernovas.All of these things make up phases in the life of a star. But let’s take a closer look.In the meantime, find out everything about astronomy, and the differences between astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. The sun is the centre of our solar system - not the Earth PetarPhysics Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamPhysics Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JidePhysics Teacher 4.80 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DorothyPhysics Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RahulPhysics Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat is a Star?Now we’re all quite familiar with the Sun â€" from a distance at least. And, unless you live in the biggest of cities and have never looked up, it is pretty likely that you will have seen some stars in your life too.But do you know what a star actually is? Apart from the fact that it ‘twinkles’ and is in ‘the sky’.A star is a massive object in space, held together by gravitational forces, that is distinguished from a planet by its luminosity â€" or the fact that it produces light.That’s the short answer. Now to the long answer.A star is a ball of plasma and gas that radiates energy in the form of heat and light. This radiation is due to the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium that occurs at its core.All this wouldn’t happen if stars weren’t so big. But, under the force of gravity, and under all sorts of other molecular forces, atoms are smashed together, and new elements are formed. All of this releases energy. This process, which we call nuclear fusion, is, incidentally, something we hope to replicate on Earth â€" because of the sheer amount of energy that it produces.But no, stars aren’t really ‘burning’ or ‘on fire’ or any of these words we use to describe them. Rather, the processes that are happening mean that the sun is much hotter and much more en ergetic than any fire we’ve ever seen.Learn more about our solar system!How is a Star Formed?But why does all this happen? One of the most amazing things about our universe is that there is anything at all in it. As the philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz once asked, how come there is something rather than nothing? This question is a little relevant when it comes to thinking that stars produce the very conditions that support life.Nebulae.Imagine an empty, desperately cold space filled with dust and gases that are the debris of old planets and stars. Star formation begins when, in this intense cold, all of this interstellar dust and gas slowly starts to clump together. Gases reach higher densities in the cold, whilst the atoms bind together.This is the first step in the life cycle of stars: the planetary nebulae, these molecular clouds that drift across the universe.As soon as higher densities are reached, the gravitational forces get stronger, meaning that all of the gases and particles in the nebula slowly start coming together. These great big molecular clouds then start collapsing and, as they start moving in on each other, the heat increases.With all this stuff clumping together, the core becomes what will later be the star â€" or often even two or three stars known as star clusters. Meanwhile, different parts of the cloud might become planets or might just stay as dust â€" as in our solar system.(All of this, by the way, takes about ten million years. As a comparison, humans have been about for only two hundred thousand years.)Learn about some of the major astronomical discoveries. Nebulae are some of the most beautiful things in the universe.What are the Stages in the Life of a Star?So far we have seen how stars are created â€" from the big messy clouds of dust and gas in the universe. But what these nebulae create are hardly even stars just yet. Rather, they are protostars, which are the very beginning of the star life cycle.Protostars.After the initial phase as a nebula, the start of stellar evolution is in the protostar. This is when the star is essentially still growing â€" when it is still gathering dust and material from the cloud that formed it.The protostar begins with only one percent of the mass of its future self. But, with all of the mass that is ‘infalling’ due to the core’s gravity, it builds up relatively quickly.Only when thermonuclear fusion begins at the core does the star stop being a protostar and becomes instead a main sequence star. At this point the star’s mass is stable â€" as it produces a ‘stellar wind’ that prevents the i nfall of further mass.Brown Dwarfs.If protostars don’t become big enough, however â€" and by that we mean about eight percent of the size of the sun â€" they never really become stars at all. Instead, they become brown dwarfs, sort of failed stars in which thermonuclear fusion does not take place.Find and take classes with a maths physics tutor here.What Happens Next? It Depends on the Size of the Star.After the protostar stage, the nature and processes of a star’s life cycle depends on the particular star’s mass. And so we’ll split this here into two separate streams.There are those stars that have roughly the mass of the Sun â€" the sun being fairly ‘normal’-sized as far as stars go. Then there are those that are much bigger. The bigger stars are, the quicker they burn. So, whilst Sun-sized stars remain as main sequence stars for about ten billion years, a massive star would live less long.Even so, about ninety percent of a star’s life is as a main sequence star â€" in which it will casually fuse hydrogen into helium. When the hydrogen in its core runs out, the core will begin to collapse and will get much hotter.As the core increases in heat, it pushes the rest of the star outwards, meaning that the outer edges cool.Stars the Size of the Sun â€" Roughly.The most commonly sized stars are stars the size of the Sun. After about ten billion years, once they have run out of hydrogen, they slowly become white dwarfs.White Dwarfs.White dwarfs are cool little things that have perplexed scientists despite their commonness. Imagine the mass of the sun all in the space of the earth and you’ve got yourself a white dwarf. And bizarrely, they are denser the smaller they are â€" meaning the bigger stars would form the smallest white dwarfs.They are hugely dense things that keep themselves from collapsing further due to the activity of electrons. However, with no way of producing energy, there is nothing really that keeps them together. So, gradually coolin g, they just tend to fade away.Massive Stars.Massive stars have a different end in store for them.If a star is about eight times bigger than the sun, you can expect it to end in a massive explosion known as a supernova.Remember that the bigger the star the quicker they burn through hydrogen. And when they have run out of hydrogen, they produce iron as the result of a long series of chemical reactions. When that happens, the core collapses in a matter of seconds from five thousand miles across to just twelve.Temperatures reach a hundred billion degrees and the supernova becomes brighter than a whole galaxy. This is the first picture ever taken of a black hole.What is a Black Hole?Particularly dense stars produce one of the most fascinating phenomena in the universe when they die. These are black holes.Rather than exploding outwards, these stars implode, collapsing into themselves to form an object so dense that nothing â€" not even light â€" can escape it.These things pull everything around them into themselves â€" whilst emitting huge amounts of radiation.Is there life in the universe?

ESOL Lessons in Birmingham

ESOL Lessons in Birmingham The Best ESOL Classes in Birmingham ChaptersTake ESOL Classes in a SchoolOnline Courses to Learn EnglishLearn English with a Private TutorOf all the metropoli in England, Birmingham presents some amazing statistics: it boasts the second-largest population in our country and it is considered the second centre for finance, commerce, culture and social engagement, after London.Birmingham’s six universities make her our land’s largest centre for higher education,   again, second only to our country’s capital city.With numbers like that, who could blame anyone for wanting to live in Birmingham?According to the latest census numbers, just under a quarter-million people who live in Birmingham were born outside of the country and just about half of that number have claimed ‘brummie-ship’ for less than 10 years.A brummie, in case you don’t know, is what natives of Birmingham call themselves.And more people are moving into the Birmingham area all the time: if things keep up as they are now, the population is expected to increase 8% in two years.How much of that number will be immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their family? How many will be asylum seekers or refugees?How many international students will find life in Birmingham so agreeable to will stay on after graduation?For most of these groups, there is just one small hurdle to their starting a new life in Birmingham: the language barrier. Somehow, those who do not speak English when they arrive must learn how.Here is where your Superprof jumps in: now we help anyone seeking English courses to find the lessons they need.These adults-only classes are part-time and they last for 35 weeks and may be free, depending on your situation.Discover the wealth of ESOL courses in London...Many ESOL classes in the Birmingham area are for adults only Image by Ernesto Eslava from PixabayESOL Classes at EXLOf all of the schools we scoured for this article, only one prominently advertises preparation for the Life in the UK test and the UK ci tizenship test.Anyone hoping to claim residence in this country must sit one or the other exam.While many courses in and around Birmingham will teach you English as a foreign language, EXL stands out as one that will prepare you for those all-important exams.Enrolling with them is much the same as with any English program: first, you must meet with an advisor who will test your level of English.Based on your test results you will be placed in a class with other students who speak English about as well as you do.This one-of-a-kind program will, of course, teach you all of the English you need to know to function in society but then, it goes further. You could select:ESOL-work: English skills to find a job in BirminghamESOL- skills for life: learn how to talk with doctors and shopkeepers, and how to talk to officialsESOL- citizenship: learn everything you need to know to pass the important citizenship examThese courses are only open to adult learners but EXL also offers language cours es for international students.There are so many ESOL courses on offer in Birmingham that, should we list them all, this article would take a year to read. You might instead refer to a page where the most popular schools that offer ESOL lessons are listed.And if you are looking for ESL classes elsewhere in the UK, you might find our companion article helpful...Online Courses to Learn EnglishIt is easy to empathise with someone who has just landed in our city: the noise, traffic and crowds must be frightening, especially if one doesn’t understand the language or the culture...To that end, the British Council has set up a treasure trove of resources free of charge so that non-native English speakers can pick up basic English phrases and cultural tips at home.Their welcome page is laid out in such a way that English learners can find exactly what they’re looking for:vocabulary and grammar lessonsgeneral language skills such as speaking and reading, listening and writing, as well as pronunciation and a bit about numbers and basic mathlife in the UK: videos about different cities and regions in our countryEnglish for work: words and phrases one might need to find a job or to actually workThere is also a video collection of other ESOL learners describing their experiences living in the UK.For all that these pages are well designed and surely helpful, there is little opportunity for learners to practise their speaking skills.If that is the case, you might want to search for a language centre near you where you can enrol in English lessons.Or, if you feel comfortable with the idea of having a conversation with a native English speaker â€" but not in a class, you might look into this next option.Or why not get a private tutor to help you learn English online.This helpful web site would also be a great learning tool for ESOL students in Cardiff...For those ESOL learners not yet comfortable in a classroom setting, they may take online English lessons Image by Juraj Va rga from PixabayDistance Learning ESOL CoursesDue to the growing need for language training in English and, sadly, not enough teachers to fill all of those jobs, the next best step would be for schools to sponsor classes online.Distance learning is not a new concept; even before computers, it was not uncommon for businesses to make tele-training available to their employees.However, computers and the Internet has made it easy to host large classes, wherein students benefit from direct instruction and can even talk with their teacher and classmates.The ESOL Centre is just such a concern. This school is based in Nottingham but its classes are available all over the UK.Unlike other schools listed in this article, English teaching is all that this school does and they do it very well!You may start out as a beginner and progress to higher levels of learning or, if you already speak conversational English, you might begin at the intermediate level.Each class is a certificate program, mean ing that, once you complete that course, you will earn a certificate of achievement.The fees for these courses are low. For example, if you take their beginner course you will pay   £89 for a 12-week course. That amount includes your group classes and tutor support.It would be difficult to find a better learning opportunity anywhere... but let’s try.Learn English with a Private TutorKeeping in mind that some who need ESOL lessons have escaped from terrible conditions and might not be ready to take on any new challenges, it is quite possible that they would hope for an English teacher to come to their home for lessons.Find out whether ESL tutors in Leeds also make house calls...Should that be the case, tutors would be the best language teachers... and one would be hard-pressed to find better ESOL tutors than at Superprof.Most Superprof tutors have earned their TEFL certificate or the equivalent CELTA and have years of experience teaching English abroad or teaching ESL at home.You c an verify their qualifications as well as their teaching experience through student testimonials right on their profile page.These ESOL tutors would be happy to give lessons in your home or by webcam; you can also arrange to take lessons with a small group of friends or family.Are you worried that private English lessons might cost too much?You can rest easy knowing that the average cost of one hour with a Superprof ESOL tutor is low; £18, to be exact. And most of them give their first lesson at no cost to you!Superprof has 71 ESOL tutors in the Birmingham area; they are just waiting to help you learn all about Great Britain’s language and culture.Are you ready for some serious language acquisition?How about finding English lessons in Belfast?